The Expedition Journal

To go in unsupported (no mules or porters) and climb new peaks in the remote mountain range Cordillera Apolobamba in the Bolivian Andes. Climbers: Olof Dallner & Michael Wåhlin.
Quick link to the Apolobamba story here.

25th of May 2001

Leaving Stockholm.
Managed to bring 20kg of overweight.
That cost us a Duracell rabbit at the check-in...
The flight.
26th of May 2001
Arrived in La Paz after a 36 hour trip from Sweden.
Stockholm - Madrid - Buenos Aires - Santa Cruz - Cochabamba - La Paz.

La Paz, Bolivia. Altitude 3700m.

La Paz by night. Illimani (6438m) in the background..
28th of May 2001

Contacted some local climbers in La Paz to search for information about climbing in Cordillera Apolobamba.
We got a lot of help from Carlos Aguilar, the President of Club Andino Boliviano.

30th of May- 1st of June 2001
Lake Titicaca
Acclimatization trip to Lake Titicaca, 3800m.

Sunset over Lake Titicaca..

Our camp site at Lake Titicaca.

Horca del Inca, Copacabana. Pre-Incan astronomical observatory.

2nd - 3rd of June 2001
Acclimatization on Chakaltaya (5300m), the highest ski hill
in the world with lift. We bivouacked on the platform outside the restaurant.

Chakaltaya, 5300 m.

Olof with a case of Altitude mountain sickness tries to throw up...

Fails, and gets cramps!

th of June -24th of June 2001
New peaks in Apolobamba

Back in La Paz again after 18 days in Apolobamba!
Four new peaks climbed.
Read the Apolobamba-story here!!!

We climbed 4 new peaks in Cordillera Apolobamba in Bolivia.

Olof on the first ascent of Cerro Chello Cunka in the Apolobamba.
29th of June - 1st of July 2001
Huayna Potosi 6088m - Normal Route

Olof climbs the normal route with Lee, an American climber.
Read about the climb.
Huayna Potosi (6088m) from the east.
The hut is the "Refugio Huayna Potosi".

5th - 8th of July 2001
Michael stays in La Paz to recover from altitude cough, while
Olof goes to Sajama with Club Andino Boliviano.
On the top they will try and play the highest soccer-game in the world, 6500m.
Read about the climb.

Sajama (6542m).

13th of July 2001

Huayana Potosi West Face
We climb the American Route on Huayna Potosi West Face, the biggest face in Bolivia. Read about the climb here!

The West Face of Huayna Potosi, 6088m.
The route consists of 1000 altitude metres of steep snow and ice..

19th - 23rd of July 2001
Olof climbs in the Condoriri area. Read about the climbs.

30th of July 2001

The expedition ends.
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Copyright © 2001 Michael Wåhlin & Olof Dallner